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We work together to make Richmond a strong, resilient community in which to run our businesses, improving the local economy and supporting local people and the many visitors to the town.
From home-working entrepreneurs to independent businesses small and large, local managers of national businesses and multi-nationals – all are welcome.
Membership fees go towards making business and living in Richmond even better!
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A visitor to Richmond might not realise what a diverse collection of high quality businesses the town has from boutique shops to a diverse range of manufacturing businesses.
Richmond is a pretty special place to live. A cohesive and vibrant community spirit forms the background of Richmond life!
Richmond, especially on a summer's evening, certainly has a slightly "continental" feel: Prince Charles compared the town centre to Siena!
06 February 2025
After last year’s very successful event, the Magic Tenner returns to Richmond from 1st- 16th March.
RIC has one of the largest volunteer teams in the area - but we always need more volunteers, so we can offer advice and help for more hours of the day and develop new services.
The Georgian Theatre Royal has unveiled its 2025 Spring/Summer season, promising a vibrant line-up of drama, music, comedy, and family-friendly entertainment. Tickets are now on sale for a...